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Base location


Target locations

United States




Time to solve




101 to 500

[USA] Local promotion of distance learning teaching materials, Amazon selling agent, request for sales agent

Our company has already begun sales in the United States and has been providing products with BtoB.
Now that we have confirmed the evaluation of the product, we want to proceed with the development to BtoC,
Therefore, we would appreciate your support below.

(Product/service details)
・Problems for elementary school students
The problem collections currently being developed are limited in subject areas, but there is a possibility that the types will increase in the future.
Main target: American elementary school students

We also run classrooms locally for Americans,
There is a possibility that this will also be promoted.
Main target: American elementary school students

Business content

Management of distance education business

What are we looking for

We would be grateful for any suggestions below or any of them.

① Promotion planning and execution
We want to design a promotion that spans several years.
Scale: We are planning to start with a small start.
Medium: We would like to receive your suggestions and carry out promotion in a suitable medium.
Promotional merchandise: Please refer to the following “Product/Service Details”.

This is the first time that we have been promoting overseas.

② EC mall opening agency
We are thinking of listing our products on Amazon.
Therefore, we are looking for a company that will open a store.
Please make suggestions.

③ Find a distributor
The BtoB sales activities that we have been doing at our local bases so far
We are looking for a distributor who can entrust you.


We like to start from small budget and would liek to take big budget for long term after seeing some results in current approach


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