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Base location


Target locations

China, Thailand




Time to solve


Thailand: We are considering the end of 2020 to the beginning of 2021.
China: We are thinking about the next few years while looking at the situation..


101 to 500

[China] [Thailand] Request for consulting, such as license acquisition support associated with the establishment of a local corporation

We are considering establishing a corporation to expand the above business to Thailand and China.

Business content

We accept clinical trials from pharmaceutical companies.

What are we looking for

① Thailand
・We are considering establishing 100% foreign capital
・Support for license acquisition
・BOI approval possibility and duration
Also, I think that there are considerable hurdles to getting BOI approval, so I would like to ask companies that can obtain information and obtain information as well.

② China
・We are considering establishing 100% foreign capital
・Support for license acquisition
・We would like to determine the establishment date taking into consideration the situation, and we would appreciate it if you could provide information.

③ Common questions for the above two countries
・Capital: What is the minimum amount?
・Representative: Whether or not a Japanese representative is possible
・Other restrictions: Can I get a name loan if I have to have a local officer, for example?
・License: About acquisition cost and high hurdles


We would like to request a quotation and consider the range of information providing.


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