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Updated: Jul 16, 2023

Many of our clients (we call premium partners) approach us with the goal of investing in or collaborating with another company or corporation in order to enter a foreign market. However, they often do not have a clear idea of which companies would be the most interesting or suitable partners for their business. In these cases, we work closely with our premium partners to identify potential partners that align with their strategic goals and business objectives. We consider a range of factors, including the size and industry focus of potential partners, as well as their financial performance and market position. Through our comprehensive market research and analysis, we are able to present our premium partners with a carefully curated list of potential partners that we believe would be well-suited to their needs.

We then work closely with our premium partners to evaluate these options and facilitate discussions and negotiations to establish mutually beneficial partnerships. Our expertise in market research and partnership development has enabled us to successfully support our premium partners in entering foreign markets and building strong, productive partnerships with other companies and corporations. We are committed to continuing to provide these services and helping our premium partners achieve their business goals. In this article, we will be covering some of our success stories.

Here are some of our proud case studies:

Case Study 1:

As an innovative provider of partnership development services, we were approached by a very large Japanese corporate group with the request to identify and facilitate collaboration with the top 5 American tech companies for co-development opportunities. This was a significant undertaking, and we knew that it would require a thoughtful and strategic approach to be successful.

To begin the process, we conducted extensive research to identify the key decision-makers at each target company and compiled a list of approximately 10 individuals at each company who would be most relevant to the collaboration. We then reached out to these decision-makers and conducted initial explorations to gauge their interest and assess the feasibility of a partnership.

Through our unique approach, we were able to successfully structure, negotiate, and launch the collaboration between these companies, which both have development budgets of roughly 8 figures in US dollars for the specific project. We worked closely with both sides to identify areas of mutual benefit and develop a plan for collaboration that would drive value for all parties involved.

Our fee structure for this service includes strategic planning fees, outreach service fees, and success fees based on meetings. We are proud of our ability to facilitate this collaboration and are confident in our ability to continue bringing value to our premium partners through our tailored approach. We look forward to continuing to work with leading companies around the world to build successful partnerships that drive growth and innovation.

Case Study 2:

Market expansion through co-supply partnership

A global software company approached our company with the goal of entering the Japanese market through the acquisition of Japanese software companies. This presented a unique challenge, as the premium partners did not have a presence in Japan and therefore had limited knowledge of potential target companies. In order to help the premium partners achieve their goal, we needed to conduct a comprehensive search for Japanese companies that fit their requirements.

To begin this process, we conducted extensive market research to identify potential target companies in Japan. We considered a range of factors, including the company's size, industry focus, and financial performance, to ensure that we were presenting the premium partners with a diverse and relevant selection of potential acquisition targets.

Through our efforts, we were able to identify a number of Japanese software companies that met the premium partners' requirements and presented strong potential for growth and success. We worked closely with the premium partner to evaluate these companies and ultimately facilitated the acquisition of one that aligned with the premium partner's strategic goals and business objectives.

We are proud of our ability to help the premium partners successfully enter the Japanese market and are confident in our ability to continue bringing value to our premium partners through our comprehensive approach to market research and acquisition support.

Often our premium partners already know which company they are wishing to discuss with, in which case the project work may begin by seeking to contact the target company.

Case Study 3:

Improving Co-Supply Collaboration for a Leading Semiconductor Manufacturer

A leading semiconductor manufacturer in Japan, demanded better management for existing partnerships. After conducting a thorough analysis of their business operations, the company identified international communication as one of their biggest challenges. Upon closer examination, they realized that there were several factors contributing to this issue, including language barriers, cultural differences, and logistical challenges related to time zone differences and technology infrastructure. To address these challenges, the company implemented a number of strategies to improve international communication, including language training and cultural awareness programs, as well as improvements to technology infrastructure and processes. As a result, they have been able to significantly improve international communication and build stronger, more productive partnerships with global counterparts. They are confident that by continuing to prioritize and invest in international communication, they will be able to achieve even greater success in the future.

As a result of our efforts, we were able to secure a significant improvement in the contract value, increasing it from a seven-figure sum to an eight-figure sum.

We worked closely with our partners to identify opportunities for improvement and implement strategies to drive mutually beneficial growth for their partners. Through this process, we were able to build a stronger, more sustainable partnership that will continue to drive success for both companies in the future. We are proud of the results we were able to achieve and are committed to continuing to work with our global partners to drive innovation and growth in the semiconductor industry.

Who we are generally collaborating with?

In order to protect the confidentiality of our premium partners and prevent the leakage of sensitive information, we typically approach top executives, such as CEO, COO or similar, directly for discussions rather than using introductions from third parties. This allows us to establish direct communication with key decision-makers and ensure that the information we share is kept confidential.

Our process for approaching top executives directly is highly efficient and typically takes about 1-2 months from the start of the project to the first meeting with the CEO. This includes the necessary preparations to ensure that we are well-prepared for the meeting and can effectively present our premium partners' goals and objectives.

We believe that by approaching top executives directly, we are able to establish strong working relationships and facilitate more productive and successful partnerships. We are committed to using this approach to protect the confidentiality of our premium partners and drive mutually beneficial growth.

Upcoming Case Studies: Stay Tuned for More Success Stories

We are pleased to announce that we will be sharing additional case studies in the near future. To stay informed about these updates, we encourage you to follow our social media channels or sign up for our newsletter. We look forward to sharing our successes with you and continuing to provide valuable insights and resources for your business.

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